It's been a manic few months for me, my mood has been pretty low so I've been away from the kitchen for quite a while. However I'm currently off work as it's the Easter holiday so I finally got back in the kitchen. my housemates were out so I jammed up the music, put on my apron and got cooking. It's funny but once I was in the zone everything just came back to me naturally, my mind abuzz with new recipes and flavour combinations. Two hours later I stood back and saw my creation, marble whoppie pies. A chocolate and vanilla sponge, filled with a chocolate and vanilla buttercream, two classics in one.

My housemates hadn't witnessed me baking until today, so it was nice to actually show them that I am telling them the truth when I say that baking is my hobby. They went down a storm and the girls commented on how delicious they were, so I just had to share my recipe with you. I've also decided to start using cups more than gram in terms of measurments just because I find it easier. I know this is more an American way of doing it but I am a huge fan of American baking so it makes things much easier for me. However if you need grams it is pretty easy to convert on google.
3 cups plain flour
1 cup caster sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
2/3 cup milk
1tsp vanilla extract
2/3 cups butter softened
3tbsp cocoa
250g butter softened
750g icing sugar (may need more depending on consistency)
2tbsp milk
1tsp vanilla essence
2tbsp cocoa
1. Preheat the oven to gas mark 6 (400C), grease either a whoppie pie tin or line two baking trays with baking paper.
2. In a bowl mix together the butter and sugar until light and creamy. Add the vanilla extract, baking powder, and salt and mix.
3. Add your eggs one at a time until combined.
4. Slowly add your flour alternating with the milk, keep mixing until all is combined. Seperate the mixture into two bowls.
5. Place one bowl to the side and with your other bowl add your cocoa powder.
6. Using a tbsp, scoop one vanilla onto your tray, adding another scoop of chocolate on top. Using the end of a spoon gently mix the two batters together until they form a marble pattern.
7. Place in the oven and bake for 10 minutes until they have spread and risen with a nice brown colour.
8. Once these have baked, remove from the oven and allow to cool.
9. While you are waiting for these to cool move onto the buttercream. In a bowl beat the butter until it has lightened in colour and is smooth.
10. Add you icing sugar slowly, as well as your vanilla essence, if the mixture starts the thicken add a little milk. By the end you should have a buttercream that is smooth and thick enough to hold its shape.
11. Split your buttercream in half, adding the cocoa powder to one bowl, again if it thickens add a dash of milk.
12. Either using a piping bag or spoon, spread one layer of buttercream on a side on the cake and then the other flavour, sandwiching the other cake on top.
hi, what happened to you? you haven't posted in a while 🥺