4 October 2013


 So my brother is back from university today for the weekend and as a treat I thought I would make him some cookies, but not just any cookies, no these are mint chocolate chip cookies! Mint chocolate chip ice cream is one of my favorite flavors and as it is to cold for ice cream at the moment I decided to turn it into a cookie. These cookies are really gooey in the middle and crunchy on the outside, they are perfect. If you're bored of normal cookies like me these are a real twist. 

Makes 12
Takes 10 minutes to bake

100g light brown sugar
125g casting sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 tsp peppermint extract
1/2 tsp salt
230g self-raising flour
125g unsalted butter
Green food colouring (optional)

1. Preheat your oven to has mark 4 (180C/350F), make sure your eggs and butter are at room temperature.

2. Mix together your butter, brown sugar and casting sugar until it is smooth and well blended.

 3. Add your Peppermint extract and egg and mix together.
 4. Add your green food coloring, it is important to remember that when cooking the food coloring becomes lighter so make your mixture a little darker than the colour your want.
 5. Now sift in your self raising flour and salt and mix together, it will begin to form a dough.
 6. Chop up your chocolate if using chocolate bars like me, I decided to go for white and milk chocolate.
 7. Add your chocolate chunks to the mixture and mix through to make sure every part has some chocolate.
8. Now take a bit of the mixture and role it into a ball about the size of a walnut, press down a little and place some chocolate pieces on top, make sure that they are far apart as they will spread. Place in the oven for 7-10 minutes until they have spread and are starting to form cracks, don't worry if they still look under cooked as they harden once removed.

 9. Let them cool before removing from the tray as they will fall apart, once cool move to a cooling rack and enjoy. Let me know what you think and if you have any questions please ask, I'm here to help :)

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